

As a consequence of the REACH dossier preparation, all available data on synthetic zeolites - as described by the Consortium registered by the Lead Registrant as Zeolite, cuboidal, crystalline, synthetic, non fibrous (see list of substances for more details) – have been thoroughly reviewed. Based on this evaluation the members of the Synthetic Zeolites Consortium have come to the conclusion that typical zeolites (non fibrous) covered by the Synthetic Zeolites Consortium can be classified as harmless and non-hazardous for all end-points. Yet some specific grades are classified but do not come into contact with consumers.

Since classic synthetic zeolites are not classified as hazardous or assessed to be PBT or vPvB, no exposure assessment is required for this substance. Moreover there is no obligation to communicate along the supply chain about uses and exposures according to the REACH-Regulation and to the Regulation 1272/2008/EC on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP).

For more information do not hesitate to contact your supplier or secretariat of the Consortium.

contact details

Synthetic Zeolites Consortium aisbl

Reg N°: BE0832.383.823

4 rue des Héritages

5336 Courrière - Belgium

Synthetic Zeolites Consortium aisbl is a non-profit association registered under Belgian laws and representing the members of the Industry Consortium for the REACH Registration of Synthetic Zeolites, namely Synthetic Zeolites Consortium

Copyright ©  All Rights Reserved, Synthetic Zeolites Consortium aisbl